Posted 22nd August 2008
Well, I'm about to go AWOL for at least a week as RL work gets the better of me. Before I log off from SL for any period of time I always like to clear out my inventory and this time is no exception.
Whilst doing so I found I could finally bring myself to trash several of the gowns and formal outfits that I never ever wear once I've done the blog post/photo-shoot. It was a great relief, although I still cannot part with my Last Call outfits no matter how impractical they might be.
As a result of this purging process, I realised it was time for a bit of an overhaul of my general look. I really have a hankering lately to bring it more into line with the RL me.
So here I am, casual and a little bit dorky. A honey brunette with somewhat sad-looking, rich brown eyes (my best feature) and a tendency towards the ethnic and the grungey. Now she really is like a cutesied up version of ME. And I'm quite pleased about it!
When I return in a few days time, it will be with a bunch of new hairstyles fresh from HAIR FAIR '08 which cranks up tomorrow. I hope you won't be completely over it by then :)
I'll miss you! ~Waves~
You'll need to flit over to my Flickr stream for a better look at the fab detail in the earrings and bag.
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